this one was drawing a large square then drawing a smaller square inside then rubbing out the larger square.
it's too light and not interesting enough - too much field
I like this
but there to still two ideas in it and I want one
like the way the lines of the curved ones don't quite meet - this is another work
still not sure - don't like the circles maybe too distracting from the lines
i can't see this image - but think it is the black one - i like it - but it's too field and not enough diagram
basically this is made by sticker a white piece of paper down then going over with pen
i was interested in the bit when the pen went off the edge of the paper
this one i prefer especially for the little corner at the bottom of right does so much so simply
need to do more with lines around the white paper
this one i really like
but isn't a diagram so not sure about it
lines look like something else but not sure what at the moment