Tuesday, 27 July 2010

bits from today and bits from yesterday

this one was drawing a large square then drawing a smaller square inside then rubbing out the larger square. 
it's too light and not interesting enough - too much field

I like this 
but there to still two ideas in it and I want one 
like the way the lines of the curved ones don't quite meet - this is another work 
still not sure - don't like the circles maybe too distracting from the lines

i can't see this image - but think it is the black one - i like it - but it's too field and not enough diagram 
basically this is made by sticker a white piece of paper down then going over with pen 
i was interested in the bit when the pen went off the edge of the paper 

this one i prefer especially for the little corner at the bottom of right does so much so simply 
need to do more with lines around the white paper 

this one i really like 
but isn't a diagram so not sure about it 
lines look like something else but not sure what at the moment 

Monday, 26 July 2010

drawing / photography / internet

photography cuts rectangular shaped holes from the world

drawing floats in a space that isn't of this world - our cerebral space - a space that believes that acts as if it is untouchable by the physical world

the internet is the same as the drawing - images float on pages - in a space that is protected by screens (we look at it through computer screens - inside this protected infinite heaven space - a space where we believe we can live forever - that's why facebook accounts of people who have died are so strange so incomprehensible - i don't want to see them because it confirms my mortality even in this space where life appears to be infinite.

Sunday, 25 July 2010


just thinking about making 
so many things to cut down on
into fleshy crapness of paint at the moment 
diagrams rock 
trying to do one idea at a time 
some of them are still too many things going on 
but trying to maintain the agency of the diagram and not just be purely formalist though i am interested in the formalism of it - but there has to be the possibility of change - of it causing something 

still so many things to figure out 
i feel as if i am trying to bring the disparate bits of my practice together 
feeling positive about it 

some drawings seem pretty - i'm really unhappy about this 

still got to figure out about border - edges 
i like photography's crop - and like how drawings float in space - but want to try out some lines where they reach the edge of the paper 
this also allows me to bring in the photographic abstracts too - 
how could i make them real? physical? 

reading about modernism or new modernism - not sure what i think - 
i'm happy with how my practice is going so that is the main thing
i'm not interested in being perpetually avant garde - if this has already happened (new modernism)- oh well - I'm not a following fashion 

thought about - what work would i like on my walls - tried to make work for my walls 
I just tried to make modernist infinite fields - interesting as it made me realise that this isn't my practice

created a small book of lines - i'm trying to record as many different lines and arrangement of lines 
keep thinking about statements like "ideas abandon too soon" "lacks rigor" - these are motivational and help reflection 


interested in the diagram being an agent of change 
modernist abstracts just be 
like building sites as there is change - temporarility about them 
like the whiteing out of lines as disrupts space of the picture, adds depth but is also on a surface above the line 
like the dotted line as this is something provisional, something that will happen in the future
was trying to get a system with the lines, drawn with a ruler and had to have corner and not touch the other lines

added more broken lines but they looked better whited out 

really like the grey 
reminds me of concrete 
many buildings in the old town have their windows and doors filled in with grey concrete so no one can live in them - to prepare them for demolition

wanted to add red as important 
want to do one with just grey lines - like the fleshy crappiness of the painted lines

think this one as too much going on in it - not sure - may get trashed. 

been looking at blinky palermo and there is a red rectangles on white that he made this sort of relates to that and some other diagrams that i saw
interested in how the dotted lines could be more independent of the red circles 
pleased with the simplicity of this one


these works are very small 
tried doing some vVERY big ones but this was not right 
have to do them a big bigger but maintain the delicacy of them - the fineness of the line 
pleased with the ones i did when i just left space on the paper instead of filling up the space - made the same work on the big paper but didn't enlarge the lines
interested in complexity but don't want to make fields 
